➜ About the artist

Jabbi Delahye


Following the loss of my sight to Multiple sclerosis, I now channel my vibrant inner vision through ‘surrogate’ artists who follow my visually precise instructions.


African symbols which are juxtaposed with icons from more recent decades of the protest movement against racism. Icons influence and educate society with the ideas they represent.


Sankofa - On The Wing Of Protest - It's message is that we need to take the lessons of our ancestors and cultural roots with us to enhance and protect our future.


The idea of "Sankofa" is represented by a mythical bird, carrying an egg in its beak, which symbolises the encapsulated treasures of past wisdom.

My exploration of my cultural heritage has led me to a love of African history, which has been a major influence in my artwork. I have developed a fascination with symbolism in art, fractal design, and standout colour. This approach is reflected in my artwork. I have refined an appreciation of the African colour palette of different regions and transposed this knowledge into layered techniques to add dimensional depth and radiant intensity to my artworks.

I have re-created my life following the loss of my sight to Multiple sclerosis, and I now channel my vibrant inner vision through ‘surrogate’ artists who follow my visually precise instructions. All of the concepts and the finest details of the process are described to me by my art assistants. The artwork has the distinct hallmark of Jabbi Delahaye.

My vibrant inner world of colour and vision continues, and it is just as inspired by the intense depth, colour and texture I know to be inherent in African art, as it was when I was sighted. My ideas continue to flow, like living dreams, through the hands of my assistants…

Principle of symbolism / Inner vision / Cultural history of Africa / To fetch, to seek and take / Spiritual heritage / Sacred Geometry /
Principle of symbolism / Inner vision / Cultural history of Africa / To fetch, to seek and take / Spiritual heritage / Sacred Geometry /